"Give the parents a voice on what is taught."
As the parent of older children that attended Auburn Elementary School, I was very involved in their education. Now, with two younger boys, I get to do it all over again!
In the last 20 years, things have changed and sadly parents are given much less of a voice in their children’s education.
My first priority is to listen to the parents, teachers, administrators and students to find the commonalities in their message.
I’m concerned that the basics minimum skills that should be learned in grade school have suffered, while alternate programs become the focus. The result of such curriculum is that it may leave our kids without the education they need to be competitive for jobs and colleges in the future.
We need to do better than provide just the minimum state standards and hope for the best.
I have the knowledge and experience to provide the inclusive leadership so desperately needed at this time.
We need to do better than provide just the minimum state standards and hope for the best.
I have the knowledge and experience to provide the inclusive leadership so desperately needed at this time.